Something about myself

I am sure most of you don't know me. You might ask youself, that can I really do it or is this another project that will fail. All I can say that I am not sure. Most games never see day light. That applies even those large budget games.

TSOTR will be using crappy 3D engine I have made. Its not much but it works and I actually can do things I need it to do for me(middleware isn't an option).

I tried to make game like UnrealWorld, but I thought making such a game was just way too boring so I ditched 2D and turn based world.
Vid ->
(C++/SDL , I can publish game and source, if anyone wants to use it or try it. Its just prototype made in 3 days so code isn't that good.)

TSOTR is just a hobby for me so I am not making it 8 hours a day. Progress will be very slow.

As you may have noticed, English isn't my native language and I curse those who made me to study Swedish instead of honing my English skills.(We HAVE TO learn 3 languages just because of some retarded laws.)

Enough about me...